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2024 Breakouts & General
Session Descriptions

Each breakout session is 2 hours in length (except acupuncture).  Attendees will choose different sessions for Breakouts 1 and 2.

Dr. Mark Sanna

When: Friday, October 4, 2024
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: Friday: 5:00pm – 7:00pm 
Saturday: 1:30pm – 3:15pm & 3:45pm – 5:30pm
Presentation Title: Friday: Multidisciplinary Practice the Right Way
Saturday: Mastering the Medicare Maze

Multidisciplinary Practice the Right Way
Many healthcare providers have begun to recognize the potential benefits — in patient care and in
practice growth — that can be obtained when DCs, MDs, DOs, and PTs work together. By working
together, all participants add valuable expertise to their practices, resulting in improved patient care,
convenience, and better patient service. If you are thinking about transforming your clinic into a
multidisciplinary practice — one that offers multiple healthcare and healing professions and disciplines
in a collaborative entity — you cannot afford to be misinformed. Misinformation can lead to
noncompliance. And noncompliance is something you do not want to happen. This session will help lead
you along the path of multidisciplinary practice compliance.

Mastering the Medicare Maze
With substantial increases in government anti-waste, fraud, and abuse efforts, being prepared for and
preventing audits, inspections, and investigations has become a top priority for health care providers.
We believe that compliance is not just mandatory – but that it is also attainable. Medicare compliance
isn't a one time effort, but rather an everyday way of doing business that influences patient quality of
care, and provider profitability. This session will provide solid recommendations on the step-by-step
procedure for billing Medicare that promotes both compliance and operational efficiency.

Dr. Heidi Haavik

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 8am – 10am & 10:30am – 12:30pm
Presentation Title: How to Implement the Contemporary Brain Model of Chiropractic Care into


What is becoming clear from scientific studies is that spinal dysfunction negatively impacts
brain function. Dr. Haavik will explain the contemporary brain model of the vertebral
subluxation (according to published research articles). She has a gift for explaining this
complex neuroscience research in easy-to-understand language. She will explain the latest
scientific understanding about how chiropractic high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA)
adjustments can reverse maladaptive brain changes that occur over time when spinal
dysfunction is present. One particular part of the brain that we now know we impact when
we adjust the spine is the prefrontal cortex. This literally is the Chiropractors Dream,
because the prefrontal cortex is vital for one’s intelligence, movement control, pain
processing, mental health, immune system, and inflammation (thus most chronic diseases)!
Dr. Haavik will explain how to implement this latest contemporary understanding of brain
model into your practice. The complex neurophysiology will be presented in an easy to
understand and clinically practical manner for students, CAs and DCs.

Learning Objectives:
Hour 1

  • The functional role of the spine

  • How the brain controls normal healthy spinal function

  • Basic science research study effects of spinal dysfunction on brain function (including the contemporary model of the vertebral subluxation)

  • Basic science research studies showing chiropractic care impacts prefrontal cortex

  • Why is the prefrontal cortex important

  • What this evidence tells us about the known (and potential) mechanisms of chiropractic care

  • How easily this latest basic science research evidence can be communicated with your patients, the public and other health care providers

Hour 2

  • How the brain perceives the world, including interception, exteroception and the brain schemas

  • Basic science research study effects of spinal adjustments on brain function (including the contemporary understanding of the neurophysiological effects of the chiropractic high-velocity, low-amplitude adjustment)

  • Basic science research study effects of spinal adjustments on brain function (including the contemporary understanding of the neurophysiological effects of the chiropractic high-velocity, low-amplitude adjustment)

  • Basic science research studies showing chiropractic care impacts prefrontal cortex


Hour 3

  • Why is the prefrontal cortex important

  • What this evidence tells us about the known (and potential) mechanisms of chiropractic care

  • How easily this latest basic science research evidence can be communicated with your patients, the public and other health care providers

  • Latest hot off the press research results and future directions

Dr. Freddys Garcia

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: Saturday: 1:30pm – 3:15pm & 3:45pm – 5:30pm
Presentation Title: Why Chiropractors Need to be Doing Vestibular Rehabilitation


Summary to come soon.


Dr. Brandon Steele

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: Saturday: 1:30pm – 3:15pm & 3:45pm – 5:30pm 
Presentation Title: Resolving Peripheral Nerve Entrapments - Upper Extremity


This class is packed with practical skills for diagnosing and resolving the most common upper extremity
mechanical peripheral nerve entrapments and neuropathies, including potent neurodynamic tests and
treatments. We’ll review the etiology and presenting symptoms for the most prevalent, yet often
overlooked, nerve entrapments. You’ll learn nerve tension testing and neurodynamic treatments,
including nerve release and flossing for the most common radiculopathies and neuropathies. You will
leave this class with advanced, effective, real-world skills to become the provider of choice for
peripheral arm pain, numbness, and paresthesia.

Learning Objectives:
Attendees will leave with the following information:
1. The ability to identify the listed neuropathies via physical, orthopedic, neurologic, and
neurodynamic evaluation.
2. Knowledge of current best practice treatment of these problems.
3. Ability to improve outcomes by making the patient an active participant in their recovery
through home exercise and ADL advice.

Hour 1 Review of relevant anatomy, pathology, etiology, assessment, and management of:

  • Cervical radiculopathy

  • Thoracic outlet syndrome


Hour 2 Review of relevant anatomy, pathology, etiology, assessment, and management of:

  • Suprascapular neuropathy

  • Axillary neuropathy

Hour 3 Review of relevant anatomy, pathology, etiology, assessment, and management of:

  • Radial tunnel syndrome

  • Cubital tunnel syndrome

Hour 4 Review of relevant anatomy, pathology, etiology, assessment, and management of:

  • Pronator teres syndrome

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome


Dr. Kurt Juergens

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: Saturday: 1:30pm – 3:15pm & 3:45pm – 5:30pm 
Presentation Title: Sites of peripheral entrapment that mimic nerve root pathology

Dr. John Lockenour

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Time: Saturday: 1:30pm – 3:15pm & 3:45pm – 5:30pm 
Sunday: 9am - 11am 
Presentation Titles:
1. Acupuncture Treatment for Sleeping Disorders
2. Acupuncture Treatment of Headaches
3. Acupuncture Treatment of Neuritis, Neuralgia, and Neuropathy

1. Acupuncture Treatment for Sleeping Disorders
Description of Content:
During this 2 hour class the following topics will be presented to identify multiple types of sleep
disorders that could influenced the patient’s overall health. Evaluation methods in addition to
treatment will be incorporated.
For millennia, Chinese medicine physicians have asserted that the there is a mind body connection that
can result in the body becomes susceptible to pathogens and organ dysfunction, leading to a variety of
- Diagnosing Sleep Disorders with TCM
Chinese medicine has several diagnostic techniques that help practitioners to diagnose the scattered qi
that occurs when the patient is triggered by insomnia. General treatment protocol with emphasis on
specific acupuncture points will be discussed and demonstrated.
– Treatment Protocols
Treatment is carried out in a logical sequence to determine what caused the sleep disorder and want
imbalances it created within the patient. Treatment specifics for patients who have trouble going to
sleep, patients to have trouble staying asleep, or a combination of both will be discussed. Different
treatment syndromes will be presented with additional information on herbal and nutritional


2. Acupuncture Treatment of Headaches
During this 2 hour class the following topics will be presented:

  • Initial presentation

  • Common signs and symptoms

  • Functional diagnostic testing

  • How to improve outcomes with proper diagnosis & treatment

Hour 1 Diagnosis Methods

  • TCM Etiology of Headaches

  • Diagnosis according to Location

  • Diagnosis according to Type of Pain

  • Diagnosis according to TCM Patterns of Imbalance

  • Diagnosis according to Myofascial Trigger Points


Hour 2 Treatment Methods

  • Treatment of General Headache Points

  • Treatment Based on TCM Etiology

  • Treatment of Special Points for Headache

  • Treatment of Myofascial Trigger Points

3. Acupuncture Treatment of Neuritis, Neuralgia, and Neuropathy
During this 2 hour class the following topics will be presented to identify multiple types of neurological
disorders that could influenced the patient’s overall health. Evaluation methods in addition to
treatment will be incorporated.

For millennia, Chinese medicine physicians and Chiropractic Providers have been involved in the
evaluation and treatment of neurological disorders. This class will discuss common causes and
treatment strategies for optimal outcomes.

Hour 1- Diagnosing Neurological Disorders with TCM
Chinese medicine has several diagnostic techniques that help practitioners to diagnose the common
imbalances associated with Neurological Involvement. General treatment protocol with emphasis on
specific acupuncture points will be discussed and demonstrated.

Hour 2 – Treatment Protocols
Treatment is carried out in a logical sequence to determine what caused the neurological disorder and
what imbalances it created within the patient. Treatment specifics for patients who have trauma,
diabetes, vascular, and metabolic causes will be discussed. Different treatment syndromes will be
presented with additional information on herbal and nutritional supplementation.

Dr. Mark Davini

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: Saturday: 1:30pm – 3:15pm & 3:45pm – 5:30pm 

Presentation Title: How To Be A Rock Star CA!

This course is designed to educate the basic characteristics of an effective Chiropractic Assistant.  It  will review how to be an integral part of the healing process for all patients regardless of your job  duties.  It will also review the safe application of the most common Supportive Therapies that will allow  your  chiropractic office  to  be efficient and effective.   After  completing  this  course, you will  “rock” 


How to be a Rock Star CA 120 Minutes Types of CAs 

Effective Communication 

Definitions & Terminology  

Ohio Regulations 

E/M v. modality v. therapeutic procedure v. supportive procedure 

Constant attendance v. one-on-one 

Bundling v. unbundling 

Proper codes 

Therapy indications and contra-indications 

Procedures and protocols for each therapy 


Overview of Supportive Therapies: 120 Minutes Cryotherapy with a focus on Cold packs 

Superficial heat with a focus on Hot Moist Packs 

Deep heat (diathermy) with a focus on Ultrasound and Shock Wave 

Electrical Stimulation-attended and unattended 

Mechanical Traction with a focus on Intersegmental 


Therapeutic Exercise Assistance 

Neuromuscular Re-Education Assistance

Dr. Cindy Howard

When: Sunday, October 6, 2024
Time: Sunday: 9:00am – 11:00am
Presentation Title: Top 10 Reasons You Are Fatigued

Summary: Common and uncommon reasons that patients are fatigued and how to test and treat. Topics
covered include:

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Cardiovascular

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Caffeine overload

  • Anemia

  • Gut dysfunction

  • Food sensitivities

Lisa Maciejewski-West

When: Sunday, October 6, 2024
Time: 9am – 11am

Dr. Dean Smith

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm 

Dr. Robert Trager

When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm 

© 2024 by Ohio State Chiropractic Association

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